Pleasant Peace Lily is an evergreen, almost stemless
herb, with elliptic-oblong leaves, 20-35 cm long and 10-20 cm broad, on
thin leaf-stalks, 20-40 cm long. The inflorescence is formed by a
spathe which resembles a leaf, with a sharp tip, about 18 cm long and
6-8 cm broad, of a pale green color and by a cream-white spadix, 5-8 cm
long. Spadix is what carries the actual tiny flowers. The fruits are
berries containing oblong seeds almost kidney-form. It reproduces by
seed and by division. Pleasant Peace Lily is native to the humid
forests of Belize, Guatemala and Honduras, now cultivated worldwide as
a house plant.
Identification credit: Preetha P.S.
Photographed in cultivation in Varkala, Kerala.
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